Turning Responsibilities into Achievements: How to Quantify Success on Your Resume

21, Oct, 2024

A list of responsibilities is a pretty common feature on a resume. Being tasked with a duty at work is valuable, but it’s only part of the story. Perhaps more valuable is to explain how you went about successfully executing those responsibilities.

ASET partner Go-Getter Resumes has prepared a helpful guide to help you do that. It breaks down why you ought to emphasize achievements over responsibilities, then lists five ways to do it. These include measuring success in percentages, including time frames, sharing cost-savings and revenue data, and more.

Using these tools will leave nothing up to interpretation in the recruiter’s eyes. That way they’ll have a concrete understanding of your capabilities from the start.

Find out how you can showcase on your resume what you've accomplished with the responsibilities you've been given, by reading the gogetteresumes.com article here.