What Do Employers Look for in a Background Check?
23, Sep, 2024
Depending on the job you’re applying for, giving your word that you’ve got a solid background with no issues pertaining to the job might not be enough. For instance, if you’re entering the finance world, those hiring will be sure to check for any past activity involving misappropriation of funds. That’s where the background check comes in.
What you might not know is that there are multiple kinds of background checks. Driving record, criminal history, and even your credit are all things your potential employer could be interested in. An article we found from Monster.ca explains the types of checks, as well as going over your rights in relation to an employer looking into your past.
The article also covers how long a background check can take, and finishes off with a list of which jobs typically don’t involve a check.
Know what to expect when faced with a background check. Read the Monster.ca article here.