What Resume Section Headings Should I Use?

29, Jul, 2024

Every piece of your resume can and should directly assist your job search. From obvious things like written content to visual information like design, why wouldn’t you put your best foot forward on all fronts?

Section headings are a big part of a good, readable resume – literally and figuratively. As the traditionally larger, bolded elements used to introduce your resume’s segments, effective headings are vital to getting your resume the attention it deserves. ASET partner Go-Getter Resumes has an article that can help you there.

The piece lists the best headings to use, while also going into how much emphasis to place on each. For example, it only advises listing volunteer experience if it’s relevant. You may be super proud of your fundraising efforts, but if they don’t apply to the chemistry lab job, leave them off.

Choose readable, relevant section headings for your resume, by reading the gogetterresumes.com article here.