Bridging the Generation Gap

Working Within a Multigenerational Team

04, Oct, 2016

In our previous article, Meet the Multigenerational Workforce, we introduced the four different generations currently working together in today’s workforce. Having learned some of their unique values, behaviors, priorities, and communication styles, we highlighted some challenges that came along with working with other generations.

However, employers who work to bridge the generational gap, often find utilizing the strengths of each generation benefit the team in the long run. Here are some tips when managing multigenerational teams:

  • Learn more about the various generations. Hosting training sessions for employees to learn generational styles and characteristics will help employees understand each other better, and provide a foundation to work with each generation more effectively.
  • Identify individual strengths. Different generations often provide different skill sets, especially in the science and engineering industry. Recognizing the various capabilities of employees will provide them different opportunities to excel.
  • Acknowledge the wide range of perspectives. Considering the different set of strengths, everyone will also have different ideas to bring to the table. Be sure to give all employees the opportunity to contribute in their own way.
  • Have clear goals and expectations for the team. Knowing that different generations will have varying priorities and expectations, there will always be the potential for conflict. Having well-defined roles, including who in responsible for discipline, will help minimize issues arising from any generation gaps.

As Pre-Boomers and Baby Boomers approach retirement, the make-up of teams will continue evolving as younger generations come into the workforce. Making the effort now to best manage employees from a variety of generation gaps will help maintain an effective and successful workplace.

Interested in more information? Check out our Understanding Generational Differences webcast.

How to Manage a Multigenerational Workforce and Not Go Totally Insane
Generational Divide: 5 Ways to Work Alongside Younger Peers