Using Key Career Marketing Tools to Position Yourself on the Job Market
03, Oct, 2016
Marketing is the lifeblood that runs through the veins of all successful organizations. Without marketing, no matter how good the product or service, the organization will fail. It’s marketing that defines the distinctive features and benefits of the product or service, it’s marketing that sets the price, it’s marketing that communicates those features and benefits to the appropriate audience, and it’s marketing that delivers the goods to the consumer.
How does this little marketing lesson apply to you? In today’s job-hunting environment, the most successful job-seekers are those who understand the value of marketing and apply to themselves those principles that companies have used for years to successfully sell their products. And that’s what this article is all about — helping you better understand how you can use and apply key marketing principles and concepts to better position yourself on the job market, whether you are looking for a new job with a new company or a promotion within your current company.